WHO WE ARE…             

   We are families helping families. We are friends supporting friends.  We are the allies of  those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT).  We are LGBT individuals seeking to support others who are LGBT.  Join us as we work to create an environment of understanding, dignity, and respect.


PFLAG Florence Oregon meets on the second Monday of the Month at Florence United Methodist Church (2nd St. and Kingwood, one block west of Hwy 101) from 6:30 to 8 p.m. At our next meeting, February 10, we will host Siuslaw School Board member Maureen Miltenberger.  See calendar page.

View pictures of our 2024 Rhody Parade appearance and watch a video of our appearance in the Yachats La-de-da Parade on the calendar page


The mission of PFLAG is to:

  • Provide support to cope with an adverse society

  • Educate to enlighten an ill-informed public

  • Advocate to end discrimination and secure equal civil rights

Monthly meetings include an educational program, current advocacy information, and support time. Free brochures can be picked up. Additional library materials are available for check out. And we have snacks too!

Special events are planned such as community wide forums, movie nights, information booths at the local Farmer’s Market.


PFLAG was founded as a national organization in the early 1970s as the result of one mom’s desire to provide support for her son. Today the greatest desire of  PFLAG Florence Oregon is to help create a community where those who are LGBT will feel safe and affirmed, and where no one will be at risk of suicide simply for being who they are.